How to cook and enjoy your EMF steak

EMF beef is raised outside on pasture or fed top-quality hay from surrounding hayfields.  The result is great flavor and moderate marbling.  There are some cooking techniques that will make your steak even better.

First, make sure your steak is thawed out.  Best/safest way is to put it on a plate in the Fridge the day before you need it.  If you’ve forgotten (again) then, before you take the pouch off, drop your frozen steak into a large pot of cold  water or in the kitchen sink.  Give it a few hours and like a giant ice cube your steak will thaw out.

Next, sprinkle both sides with a teaspoon or so of Kosher Salt.  You can press the salt in lightly.  Put the steaks on a plate or on a wire rack with a tray underneath them.  Cover and put them back in the Fridge.  Flip once or twice.  Any amount of time with the Kosher salt will help but if you can do it overnight or for a day is better.  The salt starts to tenderize the meat and gives a dry surface to char on the grill resulting in that beautiful copper color.

Get the steak out of the Fridge at least 1 hour before cooking it.  You want the steak at room temp

If you’re lucky enough to have a large cast iron pan and a good grill, get the grill going and start heating the pan.  You’re outside so you don’t have to worry about smoke!  Add some oil, maybe a Tablespoon of Canola and when it is really hot (450-500 degrees) slide the steak into the pan.  For one of our Rib-eyes cut ¾” thick I would go 4 minutes a side depending on your grill.  Don’t peek! Or you’ll lose that beautiful crust.  Internal temp if you have an instant-read would be around 125 – 130 degrees.

Once the steak is done, remove the skillet from the heat source and add a couple tablespoons of butter and some crushed garlic and thyme.  Spoon the melted butter and drippings over the steaks for a couple minutes.  Finally remove the steak to a cutting board and let it rest for 10 or 15 minutes. I like to cut the steak up away from the table and against the grain of course. (but don’t forget the bone!)

EMF cttle after the rain